Wednesday, November 11, 2009


This week is going pretty well so far. Dustin had to go back to work, but he skipped the Broncos game on Monday night to be home with us. This little girl's already got him wrapped around her little finger.


My parents have come down to help out a little during the day, and we have all taken the opportunity to nap when Sabine naps.


She's also starting to hold her head up a lot. We had no doubt she would be very advanced. We're just wondering when she will start performing complex mathematical equations. We're closing in on the one-month mark....


I got a call yesterday from the pediatrician, Sabine's second set of screenings (the tests for the state that screen for serious illnesses and genetic disorders [the first set is done at the hospital]) came back all clear, so that was a nice call to receive.

I've also figured out the Moby Wrap (more or less) so we've managed to get out of the house a couple of times to take advantage of the nice weather that we've been having.



  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures!!

  2. Yea for the moby wrap! Glad it's working for you, and glad to see you're getting outside a bit together. :)

  3. Love the picture of you and Sabine in the wrap! :)
