Monday, August 16, 2010

A New Chapter

Today is my first weekday home with Sabine. So far, it has been fabulous. We've played, she's napped, I've gotten laundry and the dishes done (on the same day! I cannot remember the last time THAT happened! AND I showered. Holy cow.) and we've visited a good friend for a little while. Of course, it was a little sad to leave my co-workers, and I think if I could explain it to Sabine (sometimes I'm grateful she's so little) I think she'd be very sad to know our wonderful nanny isn't going to be back as often. We are hoping she still might be willing to babysit from time to time. Fingers crossed.

Thank you, Jen, aka Sabine's SuperNanny!


In developmental news, Sabine is definitely starting to make some correlations between words and objects. We haven't heard mama or dada in context yet, but she does have a sound for "cat," "light," (what is it with lights and babies?) and "bear." She's really into her stuffed bears these days.



We've also been trying to teach Sabine a few basic signs in ASL. Just in the past week, we've started to see that click. So far she's got "milk" down. Kid's got priorities. She's kind of getting "more" and we're still working on "all done," "water," and "eat." Sabine understands a lot more than she's able to say or sign, when we ask her where something is, like her ball, a bear, the cat, or shoes, she'll look around until she sees what we're talking about and then walk over to it. Bringing it back is still kind of hit or miss. Still, it's amazing to see how much she learns on a daily basis. I'm excited to get just that much more time with her.

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