But there's been a lot going on, and Sabine is growing every day. Physically, she's now wearing 6-9 month clothing. The 6 month clothing is officially getting tight. (Fortunately sundresses and rompers tend to be loose and forgiving, so we're eeking out some extra days from those clothes.)
Sabine now has two top teeth poking through, and she's using them to work her way through all sorts of new foods. She's ambivalent about chicken, quinoa, macaroni and cheese; but she has a newfound passion for hummus and watermelon.
She's practically running, she loves her little pool, and is very close with Tatum, our attention-starved (at least, if you ask him) cat, who tolerates a lot of poking and pulling for a little bit of love. But at least she's starting to offer him his own toys occasionally.
As Sabine can now demonstrate, she's just getting SOOOOO big!

It's amazing to me how independent she still is. She wants to walk by herself everywhere we go, choose her own clothes, and rearrange the contents of drawers as she sees fit. (She seems to have inherited her mom and her grandpa's organizational tendancies: piles on the floor.) I already feel like she's just indulging me sometimes when I want to hang on to my baby.

And yet it's just getting more fun. We're very excited for what the next months will bring.
Note to Mom in response to: "I can't believe how independent she still (?) is..." Honey, once independent...always independent. You now know your future. LOL :-) Enjoy it. sw