Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Walking Girl

Video proof, as requested, lest there be any doubt.

Sabine took a few tentative steps in Great-Grandmom's apartment in Delaware. But she didn't really start stringing them together until the evening of Wednesday, June 30, which put her at about 36 weeks old, or 8 and a half months. She's slowly been walking more and more since then.

We're super proud, even if all of these developmental leaps have led to a lot of sleepless nights. You go, girl.


  1. Looks like you've got a genuine, in-the-wool toddler there! Are you ready for this????

  2. Waouh :)
    and so we are (proud of her).
    lots of love.

  3. wowza!!! Now get ready for at least 6 months of "she's too little to walk!" and "HOW old is she?!"
