but we just haven't had a chance to post until now, it's been such a whirlwind of a weekend, with lots of parties, presents, and friends and family.
We did an unofficial photo shoot with Nana Lin, Aunt Dani, and Ethan last weekend to take advantage of the fall colors and get some good shots of the kiddos. They weren't always excited about posing for the camera, but we still got a few cute pictures! And you can really see how much both of them have grown.

On Friday Grandmom and Grandpa came down to celebrate Sabine's birthday, and they brought a big present.

A dollhouse! Which Sabine has been asking for, recently.

Conveniently, we actually had one on hand, this was the dollhouse my grandfather made for me when I was a little girl, and now I am thrilled that my daughter seems to be loving it too!

She also opened some presents from Uncle Eric and Aunt Diana, including her very own BART train.

On Saturday we had a little painting party with a few of Sabine's young friends. The kids painted, as well as got their faces painted:

And then we had some lunch and, of course, cake.
Mommy attempted a homemade cake--if you squint in kind of sort of resembles a palette.


It was made with love, anyway, and as long as it was chocolate on chocolate (I got a very specific request) Sabine seemed to be happy, which is all that mattered.
On Sunday, Sabine helped me make a cake for daddy, and it turned out much better. Clearly I need to enlist her icing skills more often!

Nana Lin, Aunt Dani, and cousin Ethan showed up to continue the celebration on Sunday morning,

Bringing presents!

Including some toys of Nemo, which was the first movie Sabine ever saw in the theater. (Just a few weeks ago with daddy.)

They got a lot of love, and were included on her new Calico Critters table, including some fun new animals and furniture from Aunt Dani.
A couple of close friends also came over to help us enjoy the new toys and football cake.

Even daddy got to celebrate his happy birthday, too!

All in all, it was a wonderful, busy weekend with lots of fun and love. This was the first birthday where I think Sabine really anticipated it. She helped get ready, and was enthusiastic about all of her gifts. She is acting more and more mature, able to play with friends and share, help cousin Ethan walk, skip naps when it's all just too exciting to miss even a single second (and not completely melt down), and just be a lovely young girl. I think we are all exhausted but happy.
Coolest doll house ever! Your cake was great too x