We had dinner with some new neighbors, one of whom is in Sabine's Kindergarten class! The two girls are good buds, and ride the bus together almost every day. Luckily, her dad is a chef, so we had a fabulous dinner. The girls even got to make their own pizza.

And even luckily-er, Sabine's friend has TWO younger sisters, so Aspen got to have some good friend time, too!

Sabine had her first real homework, which she was eager to do. And nothing would do but Aspen had to do some work, too, right next to big sister.

Sabine's school celebrated "National Walk to School Day," but since it's not really realistic for us to walk, we went in spirit to Sabine's good friend's house a little early, and walked to school with them.

Little sisters were begrudgingly dragged along.

Aspen took calls from Elmo along the way.
We ran into other friends along the way:

And arrived early enough that the girls got to play on the playground a little bit before the first bell rang and they had to line up outside their respective classroom doors.

Last week Sabine got sick and had to come home from school with a high fever, but that passed as quickly as it came on, and she was recovered enough for mommy and daddy to go away for a night to celebrate their anniversary, while Grandmom and Grandpa graciously came to watch the girls. Apparently they had a great time, and those stinkers both slept through the night, which was great for Grandmom and Grandpa, and only left us a little jealous.
But we still missed our girls, and had to take a picture in daddy's office of the new artwork:

Aspen trees! We were thinking about them.
Our local farm also set up a fall festival, so we checked it out. We went on a hay ride,

got pumpkins, and climbed the hay bale mountain.

All in all, it's been a busy, and mostly very fun month, so far!
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