She woke up to her long-awaited American Girl, who is now named Coral.

(The picture lies, she was so thrilled with this doll, she was giddy all day.) Sabine decided what doll she wanted over a year ago. We made her wait until she was six. And wait she did, and she has been dedicated to Coral all day. Dustin heard her *GASP* this morning over the monitor around 6:30 AM. First sound she made when she woke up and saw the doll waiting for her. I've caught her just gazing at the doll any number of times. Coral now has the "lower bunk" in Sabine's room, she has a little bed set up right under Sabine's. Coral also came with a pet cat, and a pet cat ballerina costume. It was what Sabine requested.
This girl has always had very distinct preferences and opinions. She makes a decision quickly, and is extremely loyal to it.
She went to gymnastics this afternoon while mom and dad went to our first ever parent/teacher conference. Her teachers seem like really lovely people, and they gushed about what a great kid Sabine is. They said she is kind, she has lots of friends, she is extremely polite, very sensitive, and a good listener. She likes the swings at recess, and likes feedback to know she's done her work correctly. She is on-track academically, really starting to get the hang of early reading, and basically a joy to have in the classroom. That, of course, made our parenting hearts burst with pride, but they didn't really tell us anything we didn't know. Sabine is mature, sweet, strong, sensitive, and feisty. I think we used most of those adjectives the day she was born. We can add "consistent" to that list.

But it's been thrilling to watch all the nuances of her personality develop. We love that she's friends with a wide range of kids, older, younger, boys, girls, of all different personalities and cultural backgrounds. We love that she's respectful of her own toys, and her friends'. Her compassion and kindness towards her sister is the best, she is still incredibly patient with Aspen and her toddler antics and moods, and Aspen's world begins and ends with Sabine.
She's lost six teeth, she can do a cartwheel, and has started reading. She's still quite tall (stats to come in November) and is disappointed the soccer season has already ended. Her new favorite color is turquoise, and she can go down the big slide at the local rec center pool all by herself.
We celebrated with a chocolate owl cake this evening, and have a little party planned with friends for Friday.

Happy birthday, big girl. We love you more than words could express.

(Pictures from a photo shoot in July. I feel like you can already see a difference between then and now.)
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