He took the day off, and we had some quick crepes in the morning, (Sabine had hers before school...and before mommy got her camera out) and Aspen had most of the rest.

Fortunately, daddy doesn't mind sharing, even on his birthday.

The rest of the day was spent getting ready for Sabine's party. Grandmom and Grandpa joined us, and as soon as she got off the bus, we put her and a couple of her friends in the car and headed over to Little Monkey Business, where we met up with cousins and several friends for an hour of jumping and running around:

Then we took a break to go have some pizza and cake.

We came home, and everyone was pretty worn out. But not so worn out that Sabine couldn't open a couple presents before bed!

A few highlights were Legos and flowers from her "boyfriend,"

a beautiful painting from a best friend,

and some new clothes for Blueberry Girl from Grandmom and Grandpa, including a darling yellow raincoat.
On Sunday we actually got to celebrate daddy's birthday!
We had Nana and Aunt Dani and the cousins over, as well as some of our close friends. Everyone played outside for a little bit.

before we came in for quiche and cake,

which no one enjoyed quite as much as cousin H,

but I think everyone had a good time!

With, of course, a couple more birthday presents for Sabine from Nana and Aunt Dani, including a foal for Coral, her American Girl Doll!

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