but two more teeth. (Top two.) That's five, total, now.
She seems to be taking Kindergarten in stride, coming home with stories about the bus ride, treasure hunts, and friends. She's learned new songs, and her artistic endeavors have gone up another notch. She seems to be spending a little more time creating artwork than she ever did in preschool. Currently she seems to enjoy drawing pictures of rocks with jewels on them. Both Dustin and I have noticed that she just seems a little more mature and grown-up in a very short time. She often likes a little time to decompress after school, going to her room for some alone time for the first time ever, much to Aspen's chagrin.
On Mondays Sabine has gymnastics, and starting this month, she has soccer practice immediately following gymnastics. That makes for a very long day, but she (mostly) held it together for the first day of that intense schedule. Fortunately, soccer is only 6 weeks long, and then we go back to just gymnastics.
Aspen's naps are starting a little later, now that we don't have to wake her up to leave to pick up Sabine at 12:30. She goes down around 11:00 nowadays. She is using the potty occasionally, and is infatuated with Sabine's underwear. If I turn my head, she immediately gets into the laundry. Hopefully this will be good motivation for potty training to come!

We also go out for coffee more often than I'd like to admit. Often it's just me and Aspen, but occasionally we meet up with a friend, or even friends. The other day we met up with a bunch of the younger siblings from Sabine's preschool class, some of whom are now starting their first year at preschool. It was fun to see them and catch up!

The person struggling the most with the transition to Kindergarten is, surprisingly, Aspen. She misses her big sister, and often asks to go to the bus stop during the day, with the idea that our arrival will summon the bus with Sabine on it. She squeals when she sees the bus, and waves for it to "come." And when Sabine gets off she goes running for her, and loves to hold her hand to walk home. As I mentioned, Sabine often likes a little alone time after the long school day, and that's very hard for Aspen, to know Sabine is in our house but not available to play with. Fortunately, Sabine is doting, and tries to give Aspen as much TLC as she can when she's ready.

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