The girls all played happily with Lalaloopsy dolls in the back, including Aspen, and we stopped in Lyons for ice cream. (And to let everyone's inner ear settle down before we headed into the mountains.)

We arrived and the girls settled right in while we got the keys to our cabin.

We attempted a sleepover, but by 10:00 PM the big girls were just too hyped up being together, so everyone agreed it was probably for the best for them to each go back to their respective cabins to try to get some sleep. Still, it was fun going back and forth between our cabins!

That night we heard the elks bugling right outside our cabins, a whole herd settled into the field next to us for the evening, and in the morning we got to watch them slowly wake up and wander off.

We had a great day, eating and hanging out together. The daddies went on a run together, completing 52 floors worth of elevation in the mountains, according to Dustin's FitBit!

(That's them running out on the road.)
We took turns going for hikes, collecting and painting rocks, hanging out in the various cabins playing together, and going down for naps.

(Aspen very much enjoyed her reflection in the stove.)
In the afternoon, we got to check out the new Arts & Crafts center, where the girls picked out different things to paint.

O painted a unicorn, Sabine painted a little wooden house, and Aspen painted the table with water. Until she managed to upset the whole can, then we went for a walk!

Fortunately it was quite warm and she dried quickly. There was a playground outside, and all the girls ran off a little energy, until we had to get them out of the sun and heat.

In the evening, the dads and the big girls went for a hay ride.

where they got to roast marshmallows.

The moms hung back with the little girls, and watched the elk return, along with a mama deer with her two fawns,

On Sunday morning, we got up and got the cars packed up, checked out, and then went to the livery for pony rides.

Aspen was determined to wear a "horse hat" too.
She got to take a picture on the horse with sister, but then was satisfied with the experience.

Which let Sabine get on with the pony ride.

And we got to watch from nearby.

Sabine rode a pony named Star, and apparently bonded with her.

She remembered her pony, Strawberry, from last year, but apparently had an equally excellent experience with Star. We hung out for just a little longer at the livery...

...took some pictures...

...and said goodbye.

It was quite a successful trip!
On the way home, we stopped in Lyons again for some lunch, and Sabine and Aspen found a deer statue.

Aspen is just in love with the animals, and now says "DEER!" all the time.
It was a perfect end to a really special weekend.
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