Aspen's officially three weeks and three days old. We are slowly settling into our routine. I'm back to driving and juggling the girls, daddy's back to work, Sabine continues to be a great help, and Aspen is still a cute button who's developing some pretty good reflux, much like her sister before her. She's been spitting up, but seems to be more and more uncomfortable, so we are going to start Zantac in the next day or two and see if that gives her a little relief.

Here are a couple pictures I shot on March 1, when she was a little over two weeks old.

(CLICK HERE to see a couple of similar shots I got of Sabine when she was about five weeks old.)
Aspen had just lost her umbilical stump in these pictures, she lost it when she was 12 days old, on Friday the 28. She had a little residual bleeding for a while while her belly button healed, but she seems to be more or less healed now.
We celebrated Mardi Gras with some of our good friends, complete with King's Cake and crowns, marking our first foray back into entertaining.

As I mentioned, Sabine has been a big help, and also just a loving big sister. She is wonderful and an expert at holding Aspen now:

And even has fed her a couple of times!

With more success sometimes than others.

Sabine's also been helping daddy around the house, and she had a ton of fun getting up on the really tall ladder to help change the lightbulbs in the office.

Mommy's still pretty preoccupied with Aspen, but who can say no to this face? (Even at 3:00 AM, when this picture was taken.)

Also, I forgot to give the stats from Aspen's 1-week check up. She was 20" long, which puts her in the 62nd percentile for height, she was 6lbs 11oz, which was 18th percentile (she was up to 7lbs 1 oz four days later, so not sure, but I think she went up in that percentile) and her head was 13 3/4" around, which puts her in the 64th percentile there. We'll go back for her 1 month appointment next week!
All in all, we're doing really well, and happy to be settling into some routines.

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