On Tuesday, we went to the pediatrician for Aspen's 1-month check up, and everyone was happily surprised to learn that she has gained over a pound in the last two weeks!
The official stats were:
Height: 20.25" (23 percentile)
Weight: 8 lbs 5 oz (25 percentile)
Head circ: 14.5" (42 percentile)
She's sleeping decently at night, for her age. (Hopefully I didn't jinx it.) Recently she's been eating around 9:00 PM, 1:00 AM, and again at 4:00 or 5:00. Each feeding (plus burping, cleaning up spit-up) takes about an hour, but those are longer stretches than we got with Sabine at this age, if memory serves (which it doesn't always, these days, so take this with a grain of salt) so we'll take what we can get!

It's also been wonderful to have big sister help.

Sabine has been careful not to neglect her own babies during this time, too.

Next week is spring break for Boulder County, which means no preschool. It'll be a good exercise to see if we can OD on together-time. Fortunately, the weather has been cooperating, so we've been trying to get outside a little bit, which makes all of us a little happier!
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