Two days before the scheduled c-section:

The morning of the 17, we arrived at the hospital at 6:00 AM. I had felt Aspen move a lot during the night, and was suspicious she wasn't breech anymore. After two quick ultrasounds, she had moved back into a breech-enough position that my doctor thought we should still proceed with the c-section. We were actually relieved, at that point, to know things were going to move forward.

Moments before the surgery started:

10 minutes later:

7 pounds, 2 ounces, just like her sister!
A little snuggle time while mommy was being sewn up:

Then she was whisked off to the nursery for her first bath, and daddy went with her:

Sabine showed up straight from farm:

And the day after:

And the day after:

She was a regular at the hospital:

And the day after, when she brought a good friend from preschool. The big girls took their baby-holding duties very seriously.

Meanwhile, daddy had developed a golden touch for burping.

We also had some other good friends drop in to visit:

Aspen came home on Friday, the 21.

The whole family was very curious.

We were all very happy to finally be together.

I'm just loving all these big sister shots- Oh, the adoration! Congratulations, again, dear friend, on the newest addition to your family. Much love from Australia xx