She can already float on her own, as well as dunk her head under water.
We're now starting week two of the daily lessons, and then we'll slow down to once a week.
The other big news is, we learned Sabine will be a big a little sister! We had our scan last Thursday, when I was 19 weeks and 1 day along. Little sister cooperated, and the ultrasound technician was quite confident she was a girl. Sabine is thrilled. She had said she didn't care if it was a boy or girl, she'd love the baby either way, which I thought was a very grown-up reaction, but she admitted the morning of the ultrasound she thought it was a girl. When we found out, she was kind of blase, all, "I KNEW it was a girl."
The rest of the ultrasound showed the baby is measuring on time and looks as healthy as can be, which was wonderful news. Her profile is very similar to Sabine's, I think.
We may name her Smiley.
Gorgeous! Both of them x