We are getting more Christmas cards, which is one of mommy's very favorite things about the season!

Aspen and I went up to see Grandmom and Grandpa's decorations,

Sabine and I took Aspen skating, she did actually skate but preferred to be chauffeured around by her sister,

and we went to a production of the Nutcracker!

This was Aspen's first time to the ballet, and she was absolutely entranced! At the end of the show, they invited any interested children to come up on the stage to come learn a dance. Most of our crew demurred, but Aspen didn't wait for anyone, she literally burst from her seat and ran up on the stage without looking behind her.

Despite being one of the smallest, she totally picked it up, and had a blast! If I can ever figure out how to get the video to load, I'll add that.

Afterwards there was a chance to meet the cast, and have programs signed. Aspen was absolutely smitten with the Sugar Plum Fairy.

The girls even talked us into getting our own Nutcracker.

On the way home, we asked Aspen if she wanted to take dance lessons, and she said, "oh, yes, yes, yes!" And then promptly burst into tears when we pulled into our garage, she thought we were heading straight to said lessons. We will get her signed up ASAP. It was only a small consolation to learn cousin H was a very good dancer who got to wear the beautiful dresses.

Another day, Sabine's Brownie troop went to a holiday tea party, hosted by some an older troop in the area.

We also made it to downtown Denver to see Santa,

Sabine asked for a FurReal Tiger and Aspen asked for an Ariel doll, like the one she saw in the Disney store.
While we were downtown, we also checked out the ChristKindl Market,

we enjoyed warm pretzels, fries, and, of course, chocolate.
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