Everyone was in good spirits, even the animals, who got extra love this year, which is all they ever really wanted, anyway.

The girls got new suitcases this year, Santa knew we were headed to Disney World!

And Sabine got her FurReal Tiger, as requested,

and Aspen got her Ariel doll.

(The rest of us got some presents and lots of love, too!)

The girls also got Hatchimals, which the adults got to help "hatch." (Playing with the egg until the animal starts breaking out.)

We got our annual cousin calendar, hand-delivered this year! We all enjoy any present that involves pictures.

The Hatchimals finally hatched,

and they joined us at breakfast, providing lots of entertainment throughout the meal.

The girls changed into their Christmas dresses, and we all spent the rest of the morning enjoying all their spoils.

Sabine got nail polish and hair chalk from Aunt Dani, and promptly set up a salon. There was a queue, but Aspen was first in line!

(waiting for toenail polish to dry with her wolf from the Wulffs!)

Once everyone was sufficiently decorated, Grandmom and Grandpa had to head home, and we got cleaned up once again for the arrival of Nana, Aunt, Dani, and the cousins! They arrived with their new drones in tow.

Everyone had a good time flying them...until one took off on its own! We came back inside after that, but fortunately it gave everyone a chance to run around outside.

We had a good dinner together,

followed by a round of Sabine's new game, Telestrations. That was a hoot, and a perfect way to end a lovely holiday with our loved ones.

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