Sabine did a great job of taking the littles around the farm, and showing them the ropes, so to speak.

Farmer John wandered by and recognized Sabine, and gave her special permission to get in the pen with Rock, the tortoise.

The little cousins were fascinated by the zip line. Sabine is a pro, but they were still a little unsteady.

But they quickly discovered that it was fun just to go and retrieve the zipline and pull it around, and they had a great time running back and forth, just holding on to it.

A hot day and a lot of exploring requires an occasional break in the cool grass.

Aspen's friend A also managed to join us at the farm, it was fun connecting all the little ones together.

The kids had fun exploring the tree house while we set up our picnic lunch

And then we all took a break for a quick bite to eat.

And were even joined by the not-so-little-anymore piglet!

Then it was back to exploring

and feeding Aspen's beloved goats.

Everyone got in on that action!

Then we revisited some favorite tractors (and bulldozers) and called it a very successful day!

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