She's definitely growing up, physically and mentally. She's solidly in size 2T now, and just looks longer in general. She's got more complex thoughts, though, and with it, more imagination and more fears. She's going through a big mommy phase, and has no interest in strangers, babysitters, shampoo, or anyone walking behind her. She's also waking up at night pretty regularly. But she is still sweet and funny, and no one can crack her up quite like Sabine.

But Aspen is also coming out with more opinions and preferences. She still loves to play with Sabine. She has a favorite red dress, which you will notice in most pictures of her these days, because she only doesn't wear it if it's in the wash. (Mommy inconveniently "forgets" to wash it pretty regularly, especially on very hot days when it's not a great option for wearing outside.)

Aspen loves to say, "What, what what, WHERE?" to ask "Where?" and she loves to "wrap presents," either with paper draped with string, or even just bath toys wrapped in washcloths in the bathtub. She's more ambidextrous these days, and loves monkeys, tigers, and dogs. She also loves babies, and is always happy to see her friend W, and hold her whenever she can.

Sabine is obviously around, too, but harder to photograph these days. She's a girl on the move...in every way. She's gone through another huge growth spurt, almost up to mommy's shoulders, all of a sudden! She started swim lessons again and is thrilled, swimming is still her favorite sport, if you ask her. And her new favorite color is black. She's also contemplating a pixie haircut! Her days are full of camps, play dates, and various outings.
And not to be forgotten, we also celebrated Father's Day yesterday. It was a quiet celebration this year, everyone was a bit tired but we had to document that these girls adore their daddy, and we all appreciate how very much he does for our family every day.

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