When this little cutie also happened to turn 25 months old!

We've been staying busy, seeing friends

of all sizes

And Aspen's got to watch Frozen for the first time, with some support from big sister at the scarier parts:

Aspen also wore pony tails for the first time.

Both girls are growing every day. Sabine is reading more and more, she's able to read some short stories to Aspen now, which is Aspen's idea of heaven on Earth. We've had a little regression with potty training since our Winter Park trip, but interestingly Aspen is waking up both from her nap and nighttime sleep completely dry, so the instinct is still there!
They both enjoy watching Doc McStuffins and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on TV. Sabine is big into Minecraft and Reading Rainbow these days, as well as fairies, dolls of all kinds (from paper dolls to American Girl.) She is very anxious to start swim lessons again, and is looking to take on more chores so that she can buy more Disney princess dolls.
Aspen still loves her baby dolls, she loves to slide, rock, and climb on everything. She also LOVES bubbles. She's still not a fan of the car seat, but we flipped her seat around to face forward now, so that has helped. We also bought her her own pair of sunglasses, (as you can see above) because the sun really seems to bother her eyes when we drive.
All in all, we are enjoying being healthy (knock on wood!) and being outside, when we can. Up next, spring break!
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