The girls promptly named her Snowflake, and she seems to be settling in with us quite well. She loves her new name (per a thank-you note she wrote, complete with a little present for the girls the next day) and she seems to be having fun finding different places to hide each day. Both girls are eager to look for her in the morning. Sabine often tells Snowflake she loves her, and talks to her sweetly. Aspen delights in seeing her, and always chortles to herself when she sees Snowflake in a new place, "Silly Elf!" and shakes her head.

We had our annual fondue dinner with our good friends. The kids had their mac & cheese version at the little table,

the littlest ones still needed high chairs,

but then they all settled in together as one big, happy crew, to watch Frosty the Snowman,

while the parents got to eat in somewhat-peace.

The did awfully well, playing together before and after dinner. It was loud and chaotic and everyone had a ton of fun. This is turning out to be a great tradition!

In other holiday news, we were invited to Sabine's good friend's house for a Hanukkah dinner. The girls were weirdly not interested in the lattkes (mommy ate both their share) but Sabine got to help light the Menorah, which was pretty cool!

In between celebrations, play dates, and school, the girls get along really well together, and spend down time together well. It's nice to have a snuggle companion in the family.

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