She adores "BEAN!" and continues to push her buttons as well as endear herself all day long. Anything Sabine touches is golden, Aspen wants some, too, which is good when it comes to trying new foods but frustrating when it comes to wanting to play with all/only Sabine's toys.

Aspen likes to jump, take care of her baby dolls, chew on her fingers (those darn canines are coming, but still not quite broken through), and play horse with Sabine. And she hasn't pooped in her diaper in weeks. (It all goes in the potty!) She is saying more 4-word sentences regularly, like "Help me open this!" or "My type, mommy's phone!" She still loves electronics. She also seems to be favoring her left hand when it comes to drawing and that kind of thing, although it's still too early to tell if she's going to be right or left-handed. She also recognizes a lot of letters, I think mostly due to playing with Sabine's little computer.
Aspen joined me in attending Sabine's class' holiday party; we all had a great time. Aspen got to sit with the big kids for a snack

and circle time

and watch while they iced cookies (Aspen sampled the sprinkles)

and Sabine graciously let her help with the craft project.

In other news, we've been ice skating

and on various play dates.

We also got a sitter for Aspen last weekend, and took Sabine to see The Nutcracker for the first time.

Grandmom and Grandpa met us downtown, and we had a really excellent time.

Overall, we have just been enjoying our time together, now that Sabine is on her winter break from school!
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