She figured it out quickly, and had a great time climbing in and out of the ladybug tent with big sister.

We had lunch, and then Aspen and I got back on the road, just in time for Aspen to take a nice, long nap. (Thank you, little one!) Sabine had opted to stay with Grandmom and Grandpa for the weekend, so she stayed there and had spent many glorious hours playing at the park and with Blueberry Girl, who came along for the trip.

Aspen and I made it to Montrose, and met friends there, who were more than happy to help both of us recover from the car trip.

Daddy joined us Saturday morning, and we all went to the wedding together. Aspen did beautifully, and spent much of the reception doing this:

We came back to the hotel, and Aspen got a big bath all to herself. All in all, a very successful weekend!

We even stopped for a quick lunch in Summit County, on the way back down. Aspen's first trip to the mountains!

The drive home was long, but at least we were all together for the last hour, after we picked Sabine up, and she helped keep Aspen entertained. We thought that Aspen's first word was "cat," but it has come and gone...meanwhile on the ride home Sabine was singing the song "Hot Dog" from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show on Disney Jr. After a while, Aspen suddenly screeched "HAAT DAAAAGH!" It was hilarious. So now we are unsure whether to count her first word as "cat" or "hot dog"! We didn't think to get a video of it until both girls had moved on to something else, so the following is not the best version, but it's something. Can you hear the "hot dog" from Aspen? (It's not the first screech, but the second.) As I said, not her best, but we were too busy laughing to capture it.
And happily, some of our best friends, Pete and Alicia, came back to stay with us for two days on the end of our trip. We all loved having their company! Come back very soon.

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