Aspen is nine months old! Where did that time go? She continues to be a sweet baby, who is more and more interested in walking, she's pulling up to stand by herself, now, and loves walking around on our fingers. She says "hot dog" fairly clearly, and babbles a lot the rest of the time. She loves her stuffed goat while she's nursing (mommy has found the goat doesn't mind getting pinched as much with bored little fingers!) and Aspen adores her big sister and anything her big sister shows an interest in. Aspen naps twice a day, usually about an hour and a half around 9:00 AM and then a short, 30 minute nap around 3:00 PM. (Always subject to change. Always.)
Aspen eats three meals a day, more or less, and really likes her Puffs and Baby Mum-Mums. They are our favorite go-to snack. She's tried various jarred baby foods, she doesn't seem very keen on meat yet, and I think her favorite is still avocado. She also managed to snag a piece of Sabine's syrup-drenched pancake the other day...and seemed to enjoy it quite a bit, since it was G-O-N-E by the time I was able to get her mouth open. She's wearing 6-9 month clothing and has two teeth on the bottom.
Aspen is also engaging more and more with us, and the world around her. She's a little shy in new situations, but warms up to people fairly quickly. For months, she does this cute thing where she leans way over to the side, to try and get your attention.

She has also developed a Stern Face, and breaks it out all the time. Sometimes it gets a laugh, and she enjoys that, sometimes it's to express displeasure that someone told her no, or took something away that she wanted. What's funny is that Sabine did something similar, at just about the same age.

She currently does NOT like hats, having her diaper changed, or being told not to put something in her mouth.
Aspen's also big into dancing/swaying when she hears music, especially if it's daddy or Sabine singing. She's also figured out how to wave bye-bye, but it's hit or miss if she does it before the person actually leaves.
Both girls recently went to the doctor, Sabine for her five-year-old visit, Aspen for her nine month. They both checked out healthy, both had to get shots, and both were pretty brave. (Sabine didn't cry at all, even though she had to get two!)
Sabine's stats:
Height: 43.75" (73 percentile)
Weight: 42 lbs (64 percentile)
Aspen's stats:
Height: 27" (28percentile)
Weight: 15 lbs 8.5 oz (10 percentile)
Head circumference: 44.5 cm (70 percentile)
(Very similar to big sister's stats at 9 months, HERE)
Sabine also has some teeth-related news! She lost her first tooth last Monday, Nov. 10. It had been loose for about two weeks. So Sabine and Aspen are both currently growing new teeth in the same place. Sabine put her tooth under her pillow, and the tooth fairy left her a gold dollar coin. There was even still a little pixie dust on it, which was pretty exciting.

All in all, it's been a good fall. The girls are starting to play together, Sabine is still a very attentive big sister, even babysitting for a couple minutes while mommy took a quick shower, once. She made Aspen laugh, wiped her nose when she had a booger, and kept her from putting anything in her mouth except toys. She is a wonderful help! Sabine has even recently helped wash dishes, can get dressed by herself, and buckle herself into her booster seat. So far, five has been pretty great.
Look at these sweet faces!

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