The girls did well on the plane, although Aspen struggled with sleep a little. But she hung in there, and got a quick nap in my arms.
One of our first stops was to Bing's Bakery in Newark. We saw the episode of Buddy's Bakery Rescue on TLC earlier this summer, so Sabine was eager to check out the famous bakery! It did not disappoint. In equally exciting news, we also got a call from the pediatrician: the results of Aspen's blood test came back and she is no longer sensitive to dairy or soy! (Or anything else!) So that meant mommy could partake of the bakery goodness, too, and that was heavenly.

We also visited Great-Grandmom (and Great-Granddad's) grave, while we were in Newark. While the idea is still a little nebulous to the younger set, it meant a lot to mommy.

The girls also took their first bath together at Aunt Betsy's house on Tuesday night.

They seem to have had a good time!

We went down to the beach on Wednesday. Not a bad view from our deck!

We spent a fair amount of time out there, when the sun wasn't too intense.

The house itself was a little "vintage," not much had been updated since the 60s-70s, but it was cute and functional. The girls shared a bedroom for the first time! (Aspen's pack-n-play went between the beds.)

Aspen officially graduated out of a swaddle. We were going to keep her in it through the trip, because she just slept so well when she was swaddled, but Aspen had other plans. She became very adept at breaking her arms out, no matter what we did, so we gave up and she started sleeping in her sleep sack. She was up more in the night, but is getting more used to it, and seems to be a tummy-sleeper, now that she has a choice.
On Thursday, we got to go visit Uncle Dave, who lives nearby. He seemed very happy to meet Aspen and see Sabine again.

My cousins Tom and Suzanne joined us, and we all had a great time together. We went out to dinner one night and watched the boats and ate crab. (Well, some of us did. Some of us had mac & cheese.)

Aspen even got some good crawling practice in. She's not quite there, but we think she's close.

On Saturday mom and dad went to a wedding of one of our good friends, while the girls stayed behind with Tom and Suzanne.

Sabine learned how to play Go Fish on a regular deck of cards.

Aspen chewed blissfully on anything she could get her hands on.

Saturday night we squeezed in a quick, late trip to the Ocean City boardwalk. It was a lot of fun, and we spent 99% of what little time we had in the kids' rides area, but it was worth it! Sabine had a blast.

On Sunday we said goodbye to our cousins, and had a quick breakfast with the newlyweds and some friends, before heading back up to Delaware.

We stopped by our good friends' house, and Sabine and Aspen spent the afternoon playing and swimming with P and C in their new pool. (Well, Sabine swam. Aspen intermittently watched and napped in C's bed.)

Goggles and floaties were a big hit.

Sabine is very keen to try archery, now.
Thank you, guys, for making us feel so welcome!

Then we raced up to Newark to have dinner with another good friend, S, and her family. The girls got along really well; we meant to get more pictures but the time flew by and before we knew it they had to go since S was starting Kindergarten in the morning.

That left us with only a Broncos game to watch. Aspen had to go to bed, she seemed happy with that, but we let Sabine stay up a little late to watch Peyton Manning, since she got a nap in the car on the way up from the beach. (These days, if Sabine gets a nap, even a 10 minute one, it means it'll take her close to an hour or more later to go to sleep at night.)

On Monday we had a low-key day. We did some laundry, re-packed, and made it over to Milburn Orchards to run off a little energy, eat some of their famous apple cider donuts, and get a pumpkin for Aunt Betsy and Uncle Butch's house. (Since mom and dad were party-poopers and declined to bring one home on the plane.)

Later that afternoon, we got a flat tire in our car, so we took it as a sign that vacation was winding down.
We made one last stop at Bing's on Tuesday morning, and a quick dash by "The Pretzel Store" (as mommy called it when she was a kid--some things never change!)

And then headed home. We made it back late Tuesday night, and Wednesday daddy was back to work and Sabine was back to preschool.
It was a wonderful, if exhausting, trip. We are happy to be home, and our kitties are very happy we are home!

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