But let the record books show: Seven Months Old!

Aspen is getting better and better at staying upright while she's sitting. She is more vocal, and says "Mamamama" a lot, which warms my heart, although there is no meaning whatsoever behind it. She doesn't say "Air-wa/air-va" as much, anymore. (That used to be what she said when she got excited, and 9 times out of 10, she was excited about Sabine, so we said that was her name for Sabine.)
Sabine also taught Aspen "to spit," as she puts it. They say "Plbthbthbthbth" to each other all day long.
They are two peas in a pod, already.

Aspen also loves to dance, she sways back and forth whenever she hears music, including when daddy and/or Sabine sing.
She also continues to try new foods, the baby food version of chicken and rice was the latest success. (Although her digestive track is still figuring this out--so it's prunes for breakfast almost daily!) She also tried Baby Mummums for the first time, and seemed to like being able to hold them.
Aspen also has the busiest little feet I've ever seen. She just moves them in circles all the time, when she's sitting or lying down. She has done this since she was a few weeks old, I finally got it on video:
Sabine is back in preschool, Monday/Wednesday/Friday. And she has returned to farm on Thursday mornings, after taking the spring and summer off. Here she is in the wood shed, with the drying sunflowers.

She continues to be quite the budding fashionista, if you follow me on Instagram, you can see I've been documenting all of her pattern-on-pattern, colorful outfits. She has developed a distinct look. (And still ALWAYS a dress.)

Sabine had a growth spurt recently, she is still one of the tallest kids in her class. I think she'll be moving into size 6 clothes pretty soon. She does swimming and yoga once a week, and is a social butterfly. We typically have multiple play dates every week. She also has an impressive vocabulary, and articulates well. She often gets complimented on how well she speaks. It's funny, the only sound she occasionally struggles with is the "u," and words like "Ridiculous" become "re-dic-lee-ous," and "regular" becomes "reg-lee-are," and "amulet" becomes "am-lee-et." Most interestingly, "ambulance" becomes "am-blee-ance," which is exactly how her mommy pronounced that word for a looooong time.
We're not in a hurry to correct her, she speaks quite well and quite clearly, and the few remaining Sabine-isms have become quite dear to our hearts.
She and her daddy are also very much into the spirit of football season, already. The plan is, she will be heading to her first games next month.
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