Friday, January 22, 2010

Three Months

Week 13 is almost over, and we celebrated Sabine's official 3 month birthday on Monday. (If by "celebrate" you mean "do what you do every day so as not to disrupt the princess' routine.") She feels like she is getting bigger every day--as are our arm muscles!

Here is a picture showing off her newly developed rolls. And hopefully insuring that she doesn't show our little website to any future boyfriends anytime soon.


Sabine has also just started to fit into her 3-6 month-sized clothing. They're still a little big on her, but it's fun to start experimenting with some of her new outfits! I love this coat. I want the same one in my size.



Happy Friday!


  1. LOVE the coat! So stinkin' cute. I want one too.


  2. You'd look adorable matching mom/daughter coats! I want mine in purple. sw

  3. cuter by the day!
    I have the same issue with the clothes - maren always has cuter (and hipper) stuff than I do.

  4. Someday you will have to treat yourself and Sabine to matching pajamas from Hannah Anderson. I can just see it now. ;) Such a cutie! Happy three months, Sabine!
