The second week of our trip was mostly spent at the beach in Lewes, DE with some good family friends.

We made it to the boardwalk for lobster,


and ice cream!

And we made it down to Fenwick Island to visit one of Grandmom and Grandpa's very best friends.

But mostly we just logged lots of good times on our little beach on the bay. (So lots of horseshoe crabs and not so many waves.)

It was a great visit, we miss these guys a lot! Just missing daddy.

We had a blast, but we were tired, too, and ready to get back up to Newark for comfier beds and room-darkening shades!
We actually made an impromptu decision to stop by the house where mommy grew up.

With some luck, we ran into the current owner in the yard, and she was nice enough to invite us inside to peek in a few rooms. It was really special for me to get to share this with Sabine.

kitchen (different colors and counters, but similar layout to when I grew up there)

dining room

looking out the window in the living room

looking back into the living room from the picture window
Then she let us wander around outside in the yard for a bit.

The current owners have done beautiful work, and the yard is nicer than I think it ever has been in the past. Most important to me was to show Sabine the "Cathy tree," a massive weeping cherry tree that used to bloom (I suppose it still does!) pink flowers around my birthday. Sabine took a picture of me in front of it.

And I took one of her!
Back with Aunt Betsy and Uncle Butch,

we got to try out their pool,

see one of mommy's oldest friends and her new baby,

polish Aunt Betsy's silver, because Sabine LOVES it,

get some good family time in,

including a visit to Great-Grandmom's grave,

and one last cousin visit!

Then we got Rita's Water Ice and headed home to daddy!

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