Happy birthday, sweet girl! We all love you so very much.
At three, Aspen is passionate about her sweets. She loves food as long as it's more than 50% sugar. She adores her big sister,

her cousins,

and is making her own friends at her Friends school.

Her favorite color is still yellow, but she specified a chocolate cake with BROWN frosting, lest there be any doubt. Chocolate trumps yellow. She's a homebody, who likes to cuddle, play with her toys, wear dress up clothes whenever possible, and "make" (cook) in the kitchen with mommy and daddy.

(this girl has chopped more asparagus...!)
She's getting quite good at puzzles. She's wearing "princess" underwear (regular) underwear more and more, and waking up dry in the mornings about half the time. She loves Disney movies, current favorites are still Princess and the Frog and Sleeping Beauty. (And Curious George, although I don't know if that's Disney?) She's developed an interest in Fancy Nancy books, and also loves to read and re-read Curious George Goes to the Beach these days. She's still very attached to her Goat and paci for sleeping, and has moved into size 3 clothes.
Aspen's birthday morning started early, with some presents before Sabine had to head off to school.

Uncle Eric and Aunt Diana brought Aspen some fun puzzles, which she managed to assemble before even getting dressed.

Then we took a field trip to the toy store for a birthday present, since the one she requested (a Tiana dress, from the movie Princess and the Frog) hadn't arrived yet, and out of everything in the huge store, she picked out a little plastic baby. Given that it was purchasable with pocket change, we let her get two.

There was a yellow cookie for lunch

quickly followed by a sugar crash and a good nap.
Then Sabine came home from school, Uncle Eric and Aunt Diana headed out, and we ran a few errands to get ready for tonight's double birthday celebration with these two lovely ladies!

It was a fun, intimate party with just family and close family friends,

Aspen got some neat gifts, including an Owlette costume from her favorite show, PJ Masks

(which daddy briefly commandeered)

then it was time for dinner and cake!

Both cakes were pretty tasty!

Everyone seemed to have a great time.

We stayed up a bit late, but it was hard to end such a fun evening.
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