And then a trip to the North Pole, as the weather started to cool off, with cousins and good friends!

The girls got "face" paint this time, and had fun showing it off!

And Aspen was finally big enough to go on some of the bigger rides, and she LOVED it!

And Sabine, for the first time, went on EVERY ride in the park! It helped having some friends show her how much fun even the biggest ones are!

Everyone had a blast, and we are looking forward to doing it again with the whole crew!

We've hit other pumpkin patches with friends,

walked Sabine to school (after driving to a friend's house, who happens to live closer!) on National Walk to School Day,

had innumerable play dates,

gone on nature walks to see the trees and collect rocks for homework,

been back to farm,

and spent some cozy time at home with family!

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