Our big girl is turning seven! Sabine had a fancy tea party at our house with a couple of close friends (and their dolls) this weekend, and it went off smashingly! We got the table ready the night before:
Sabine's gift this year was a fancy (and most importantly, poofy!) ball gown with a hoop skirt. I think the inspiration came from her current favorite movie,
The King and I. In any case, we found a dress she loved, and it will work as a Halloween costume, too! But first, it served as the centerpiece for the tea party. She got lots of compliments on her dress, and was thrilled.
As her friends arrived, they settled in to making hats for their dolls, and fascinators for themselves.
Then they headed outside to play a couple of games while the glue dried on the hats. First, a balancing game, where they tried to keep teacups on their heads.
As tea cups fell, the girls headed up to watch and cheer from the porch. Sabine came in second, behind her dear friend S, who happens to be a couple years older, and a dancer, so not entirely surprising she was quite good at balancing! But we ended up having to make her and Sabine almost run before their teacups fell off!
Next was a bean bag toss. Sabine helped me make some bean bags earlier in the week, so each girl had their own, unique one to toss.
As the game progressed, they had to stand farther and farther back. They all managed to get their bean bags in at least once, with the winner getting it in three times.
Then inside for the main event, the tea party! There was lots of toasting and giggling.
Then, for dessert, was a very thematic cake!
Almost too pretty to eat. Almost. (It was delicious.)
Then Sabine opened her presents, just as parents started to arrive to pick up, and got a very thoughtful and generous array of gifts from her friends.
Everyone seemed to have a great time; it was a really fun day!