Aspen didn't notice, she was too busy chasing her big sister, playing dress-up, and eating copious amounts of fruit ropes. But she is definitely growing daily, we can feel her getting heavier and longer as we carry her up to bed. She has started the long and tumultuous path of giving up her naps. Most days she still takes one, although we cut her off around the hour mark, just so she'll go to sleep at a reasonable time in the evenings. (Around 8:30 these days.) Occasionally, though, she will just skip her nap entirely. She's very happy to tell us when she's tired, and she still loves to grab her paci and goat when she's feeling it, but every now and then she's like, "Nope!" and we have learned to just believe her, because even if we force her to try for a nap on a day she's not tired, she just rolls around the crib telling us "I ready to go downstairs now!" Then she makes it more or less to dinnertime, and is ready to crash by 7:00 PM! Those days are few and far between, but they have started happening.
Meanwhile, she's still a picky eater. Fruits and veggies are hard to get in her. She likes fish ok, and some meat. Mostly she wants to subsist off of mac and cheese and fruit ropes. (And of course, dessert of any kind.) Fortunately, she LOVES her vitamins, and demands them every morning, so she's getting those on a good schedule.
Aspen is still working on potty training, as long as we remember to sit her on the potty every hour or two, she goes willingly. And she mostly wears underwear around the house. But it's still pull-ups for when we go out, or when she's sleeping.
Sabine seems to be enjoying first grade. She really loves her teacher, and riding the bus with all of the neighborhood friends. Aspen misses her a lot during the day, but it makes the homecoming that much sweeter. The girls play together pretty well these days, navigating the minefields of strong opinions and preferences amazingly well for a 6 and 2-year-old! Fortunately, they both like to dress up, watch PJ Masks, hang with their cousins, and make each other laugh.

Aspen loves to quote movies, and even act out scenes. She often talks to herself, and we can usually decipher which movie she's quoting, though sometimes we need Sabine to translate for us. Her favorites seem to be Song of the Sea, (anytime she's given something to write with, there's one particular scene she immediately thinks of. If we hear, "Oh, come ON, Saoirse, daddy said I'm in charge, and I say no going in the water, it's DANGEROUS. Go play on the rocks!" we know she's found a pen or pencil laying around), Rapunzel, and The Lorax. She's recently discovered the movie Pocahontas, too, so I am just waiting for those quotes to start popping up!
She's getting so big, in so many ways, but still so small and innocent. She's the darling of the bus stop, all the big girls enjoy getting hugs (which she doles out sparingly) and try to engage her each morning and afternoon. She's getting better at sharing, and is very concerned about other people's sadness, especially members of her family. It's fun to watch her grow, though we are savoring every minute, as they seem to be going by very quickly these days.

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