Of course, no trek up I-70 is complete without a stop at Grandmom and Grandpa's house.

Then we headed up to our cute little condo, where the girls had a good time exploring. Aspen only had a 20 minute nap in the car, so some down-time was welcome.

Then we decided to take a gondola ride up the mountain.

It's a free ride for families on Fridays, and there's quite the scene up there, now! Live music, games, a little restaurant, adult beverages, and of course, an incredible view.

Not everyone was as enthusiastic about taking pictures as mommy was.

At the bottom, something called "Kidtopia" was going on, so we got Sabine a ticket to go on the trampoline, which she thought was great fun. Aspen was annoyed she didn't get to go, too.

But they both had fun exploring other things, especially Riperoo's house.

Then we had ice cream for dinner

Followed by some quick mac & cheese for dessert, back at the condo, and a quick rest on the balcony

where we had a great view of Buffalo mountain, shining through the rain.

Then we all piled into bed. It took a while for everyone to settle enough to go to sleep, but fortunately we were all tired.
It was a warm night, but as soon as we got up, we opened up some windows and everything cooled right off.

Then mommy dragged everyone over to the coffee shop, where we all enjoyed some pastries.

From there, we met up with some other friends who happened to be up in Keystone for the weekend, and we went on a hike together. M and Aspen were born 13 days apart, and have become good little friends.

Sometimes sister offered a piggy back when Aspen got a little tired.

So of course, nothing would do but M had to have a turn, too!

Fortunately, Sabine is nice and strong, and very obliging. It was a beautiful walk along the river, fairly flat and nice and shady.

And, of course, we had to check out the stables when we got back to our car, since we were there anyway. We were hoping to do pony rides, but they had a minimum age requirement of 3 years old, so we will try again next year.

The stables also had quite a view of Buffalo Mountain!

After that, we had lunch and a nap, and then met up with one of mommy's friends to walk around the village in River Run. We found a fun playground,

and walked along the creek. Sabine and Anita were brave enough to cross it. Mommy and Aspen stayed on one side to keep our shoes dry.

Then Sabine had another go at the trampolines.

And a return to Riperoo's house. (If you look closely, you can see Sabine wrote her name in pink chalk at the bottom, there.)

In the morning, we had a leisurely breakfast and packed up to head back. We made what was supposed to be a quick stop at the continental divide, but ended up turning into a more real hike, as the girls raced up the mountain trail.

It was a beautiful weekend, we just missed daddy!
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