Aspen is officially 29 months old. Her vocabulary continues to grow, she calls herself a "big girl," she throws the occasional tantrum, she is feistier than ever, testing every limit again and again. But she is loving and funny, she adores her sister, cousins, and cats. She also is thrilled to ride in the shopping carts with cars attached to the front, and strongly requests to ride the horse after we check out at the grocery store. (The mechanical one that costs a penny.) She helps feed Tatum most days, she loves Dr. Seuss books like Hop on Pop and Green Eggs and Ham. Her severe separation anxiety seems to be dissipating just a little bit, she still prefers to be with parents, especially mom, but is having an easier time being left with people she knows well for short periods of time, family and sitters alike. She likes to eat grapes and cereal bars, and is slightly obsessed with the iPad. She can navigate between movies like a pro, and the chance of getting the iPad, even for five minutes, is a strong motivator.

Developmentally, Aspen is close to potty trained. She still has about an accident a day, but it's usually because we forgot to remind her to go. If we stay on top of the clock, and remember at least once every hour or two, she doesn't have any accidents at all. She even wakes up dry after her naps most of the time. She sleeps from about 12:30 to 2:00. She would go longer, but she's going to bed later and later, around 9:00 PM these days, so mommy wakes her up because mommy's not very good at staying up that late, herself! She even skipped her nap completely the other day, and went to bed at 7:00 PM and slept straight through until 7:00 AM! That was amazing. (Most mornings she wakes up closer to 6:30.)

It has been a good summer. Both girls are growing like weeds, their hair is lighter and longer, and Sabine has inherited her daddy's olive skin and is sporting a gorgeous tan, despite the copious amounts of sunscreen we slather on her. Sabine's swim teacher has said she has a natural talent for swimming, and wants her on the swim team by next year. Sabine likes that idea, so it sounds like we are going to drop gymnastics for a while, and continue swim classes through the school year.
Meanwhile, we had an excellent first experience at (day) camping with some good friends.
We had a lovely, lazy afternoon on the campgrounds; everyone having fun in their own way:

We had an excellent dinner made over the campfire

Followed by s'mores, made with the biggest marshmallows ever:

All in all everyone had fun, and then we came home to our air conditioning and comfortable beds, full of good memories and mosquito bites!

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