Sunday morning started early, Sabine was up with a bad ear ache well before Mickey called us for our wake-up call. Fortunately, we were able to contact a doctor and he came to our hotel room with antibiotics (after hearing her symptoms) diagnosed her with a good ear infection, and we got some medicine in her right away. We headed downstairs for a Character Breakfast in our hotel. This is a fabulous way to meet some of the Disney characters, without having to stand in long lines at the park. We met Mickey on our way in, (see above) and then got seated and got our food.
First to come by our table was Stitch:

After Stitch's visit, Sabine was still feeling tired, so she and daddy went back upstairs to rest a little, while Aspen stayed behind to go bonkers over the real life encounters with all of her favorite TV characters. We had the good fortune to be seated right next to where Mickey greeted each new family that came in the restaurant, so in between pictures with other families, Aspen managed to develop quite a rapport with him.

Then Minnie appeared, and Aspen held on to her long enough that Mickey took a quick break to come over and join them, and I am pretty sure Aspen told them she was ready to be adopted.

The real surprise, though, was Pluto. Aspen spotted his entrance from across the room and stood up screaming, "PLUTO! HI! I WUVVVVVV YOU!"

Thank goodness for Pluto, or I don't think Minnie would have been able to sneak away to meet any other kids.

The girls brought their autograph books, and we managed to collect signatures from everyone we saw. Pluto even wrote "Feel better!" in Sabine's book!

And then it was time to actually see Disneyland. We ran upstairs (well, Aspen more or less flew) to gather Sabine (who was already starting to feel better) and daddy, and then we took the cool, outdoor elevator downstairs.

We had to walk through another hotel and then Downtown Disney to get to Disneyland. It was a route we learned well over the next couple of days.

First steps inside the park!

And who should happen by immediately, but Belle!

Our first ride was the carousel.

And then we headed to It's a Small World.

We wandered around some more, and then mommy took Aspen back for a nap, while daddy and Sabine got some lunch and rode another ride. They came back to the hotel for a quick rest, too, and then we all headed back, arriving just in time to catch the Soundsational parade.

Sabine, with the Rapunzel tower in the background

Aspen, pointing at Tiana

Sabine waving to Mary Poppins

Riding the Winnie the Pooh ride at the end of the day, one of the favorites of the trip! We rode it multiple times, thanks to the relatively short wait time in the line.

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