Both Aspen and Sabine were sick today. We've had a rough couple of nights, between congestion and coughs, and no one was up for a big celebration. So we've postponed a little party with family until everyone is feeling better, and just kept things quiet and cozy today.

Somehow, even when she's under the weather, this girl manages to have a sense of humor and a lot of love.
Aspen continues to grow and develop, despite any extra boogers or missed sleep! As of yesterday, Sabine is officially pronounced "Sabine"! Aspen's making longer sentences all of the time, like, "Mommy! Let go of my fork!" and she's getting better at galloping and jumping. She's wearing underwear all day now...and for the first time, all night tonight! We'll see how that goes. She's been waking up dry this week, both from naps and nighttime sleeps. It seems too early, but she's been consistent, so we'll just see where this goes and try not to push any more than she's ready for. She's still a very picky eater, but would happily subsist of of ice cream and "happy cake," as she calls it. (Birthday cake.)
Speaking of!

Sabine and I did manage to make a little cake to commemorate the day, today. Aspen is very into Minnie Mouse these days, so that was our small theme. (Thanks very much to Nana for dropping of some balloons today, to help things feel more festive, including a Minnie Mouse balloon! Happiest of birthdays to you, too, Nana! We can't wait to celebrate with you soon.)

Aspen got to blow the candles out for the first time, and did a great job!

Hopefully we'll be ready for more festivities soon. But in the meantime, it's been a very happy year with these two amazing girls, who continue to be close, and a beautiful balance for each other. We feel so lucky to be their parents.

She has the sweetest smile xx