Aspen turned 21 months old, yesterday. She continues to grow in every way. Her speech is getting clearer, and more complex. She strings two words together all the time, sometimes three or four. Her favorite song is either "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" or "Happy Birthday" (which she calls "Happy Cake.") She has started adding a "-y" at the end of a lot of words. "Up" has become "Up-py," and "Rabbit" was a "hop-hop," but is now "hoppy." As of Halloween night, we are no longer "mama" and "dada," but now "mommy" and "daddy." Sabine is officially "BEAN!" and, if possible, more loved than ever. Aspen waits all day to go get her from the bus stop.

Aspen successfully uses her potty seat a couple times a day, and has just started to occasionally alert us to when she has to go, and then waits to get to the potty! That's a big step. We have started letting her wear underwear for a little bit, every now and then, and that's a lot of fun.
Aspen is a very picky eater these days. Her tastes change daily. Usually I can get her to have some smoothie, and hummus is usually welcome. Pirate Booty chips are the only real guarantee. Everything else is pretty hit-or-miss...mostly miss.
Aspen has also pushed her naps back. She is now going down around 12:30, which is a big shift from 11:00 AM, and really frees up our mornings. We can even sneak in an early lunch, now. That came about with the fall back time change.
She's been on a couple of her own play dates, recently

(often at a coffee shop for mommy's convenience)

And we had our first snow day. Both girls were thrilled to see the snow in the morning.

And we immediately had to get suited up and head out, because it disappeared quickly. Sabine broke in her new skis

and Aspen was really upset that she didn't get a turn. We hear "MY TURN!" a lot these days.

They also tried sledding together, which Aspen later described as "snow! Whee! Bean! Lap!" but she wasn't really interested in trying it a second time. Aspen has also learned to get both feet off the floor when she jumps, and she and Sabine love running back and forth through the house.
Sabine has shown Aspen her ABC Mouse game on the iPad, and both girls get excited for "AB MOUSE!" Sabine also showed Aspen the pony rides at the supermarket. Now it's expected every time we go grocery shopping.

Aspen also has learned to count to 10. It started in the shower, we count to 10 before turning off the water. One day she just did it, all by herself, with no prompting. Dustin got her to do it again, to be sure. We rushed to get a phone to take a video, and naturally she won't it again. Sometimes it's "One, two, three...eight, nine, ten" sometimes another number or two sneak in, but we haven't heard her do the whole set. Still! Pretty impressive.
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