First order of business, of course, was to see Santa. Sabine had, fortuitously, just discovered the Chasing Fireflies catalog the night before, and had decided that what she wanted more than anything for Christmas was a Rapunzel costume from the catalog, and a costume for her American Girl doll. Santa took her carefully clipped pictures, and set them aside to help him remember which ones she wanted.

Aspen, unfortunately, only managed to sleep about 20 minutes on the whole car ride down, so she was a little hot and tired, and completely underwhelmed by the idea of sitting with Santa. So we attempted a wave, said "bye bye" to Mrs. Claus, and headed off.

We got on the train, first, and that sold Aspen. It was the highlight of her trip, I think.

Causing the only minute of slight consternation, when a) we couldn't just stay on it forever and b) mommy would not let her jump back on it when it passed underneath the chairlift ride we took next.

There were lots and lots of rides

Some of which, Aspen was even able to go on, as long as she had an adult in tow. (Mommy's legs squished better than daddy's, so she got to do most of them.)

We had one quick break for Dippin' Dots, which were nice and cold (as Aspen is signing) on a really warm day.

Followed by a quick jaunt through the ornament/souvenir shop, where Sabine picked out a swan and Aspen picked out a Santa on a train for their Christmas tree this year. Then we were back to the rides, and then a final stop for funnel cake before heading home.

All in all, it was a huge success. Everyone had a lot of fun, and we can't wait to go back. Wishing you and yours a very Merry August Christmas!

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