Sabine could barely sleep the night before, and was up, dressed, and ready to go bright and early. We left the house 20 minutes early to be sure to be the first ones at the bus stop.
She had me take a backpack picture:

Daddy even went in to work late so that he could see Sabine off to school on her first day. That was pretty special.

Our next door neighbor, and Sabine's dear friend, S, appeared and walked over to the bus stop with us.

There is a whole gaggle of kids, I'd say about 15, who get on the bus at our stop. It's a very festive atmosphere in the morning, with all the kids, their parent(s), siblings, and a smattering of dogs to send them all off. Sabine was excited right up until the bus pulled up, then she had a little moment of panic as other kids started getting on, but fortunately S and another 3rd grader, whom we know well, scooped Sabine up and got her to go with them on the bus, and then Sabine got to sit with S.

We were very grateful for their help, and the report from friends who walked to school was that Sabine was happy and greeting everyone she recognized from across the playground by the time the bus let them off.
Grandmom and Grandpa arrived mid-day, and were there to help greet the bus when it came back that afternoon.

Sabine had a few minutes to recover and tell us a little about her day before I had to whisk her off to gymnastics. She was definitely tired, but still very much wanted to go.
She was that much more tired when she got home from gymnastics, but she managed to rally and stay perky through dinner, and helped celebrate Grandmom's birthday that evening.

All in all, it was a huge, and hugely successful day.

(As an interesting side, note, as I was asking Sabine about her answers for this sign, she struggled with a few. She could not think of JUST three things she liked to do. Soccer, swimming, and reading were the first things that came to mind. But then she remembered gymnastics and the Broncos and spending time with her family and skiing. She got frustrated, so we quickly lumped all the sports under "play and watch sports" and that was enough to convey her other interests. There was also a section for "Favorite Color" but she does not have a favorite color these days, she likes ALL the colors, and feels very strongly about that. So we had the sign changed and put "role model" in, instead of the color section, and that worked perfectly, because Jane Goodall is still an important figure in Sabine's world.)