Aspen has had a growth spurt, she fits well into 12-month size clothes now. She has 7 teeth, and at least three more on their way, including one molar. These sometimes wake her up at night, and cause some grumpiness, but mostly she fights through to stay asleep and cheery when she can.
Aspen's language is really starting to take off. She has mastered, "no," and usually has a very stern scowl to convey her seriousness. "All done" "oh-oh" "hi" and "again" are becoming more enunciated, and she's adding more animal sounds, including horses say "nah" sheep say "baba" and trains go "ooh ooh." She's also making a strong effort to pronounce w's, thanks to watermelons coming in to season. Sometimes, it just takes the right motivation!

Aspen still likes helping around the house, and wants to be a part of whatever is going on.
She does not like putting on shoes, although she's perfectly happy to walk around in them once they are on, and the car seat continues to be a source of frustration. It's better when sister is there to distract her, but she still gets cranky when she sees it's time to go in the car.

The girls are as close as ever, they play together more and more, and Aspen always prefers to have Sabine sit with her at dinner, or read a book together.
And in the biggest of developmental milestone news:

Aspen pee-peed on the potty last Thursday! It was a fluke, but she's been interested in sitting on the potty, recently, so we've been letting her from time to time, and Thursday night she happened to go! It's certainly not time to potty train yet, but this is an exciting view of what's to come in what may be the near future.
Sabine has also been going through a big growth spurt. She's taller than she was last week, and her brain is on overdrive, which leads to some sensitive moments throughout the day, and some nightmares at night. But she's trying hard to work with it, to not yell at night, she knows we can hear her through the monitor (we've temporarily re-installed it) and not wake up Aspen. Her reading skills are progressing, she likes to write grocery lists, signs, cards, and magazines. Her most recent work:

"Sabine's best magazine ever I mean really in the world just sayin' "(In case you had any trouble translating that.)

All in all, we are doing well, if having some interrupted sleep. It's nice to be in a healthy phase, and we are enjoying being outside when it's not raining. Yay for summer!

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