We are desperately trying to get better in time for our trip to Michigan on Friday.
And somewhere in there Aspen turned 14 months old

and then 15 months old!

She was sick at her "well baby" 15 month visit to the doctor, so she hasn't gotten her vaccines yet, but she seems to be well on track for all her developmental milestones. Here are her 15 month stats:
30.25" high, 42nd percentile
17 lbs 2.5 oz, 4th percentile
18.25" head circ, 70th percentile
I think she was a little underweight from being sick for so long and not having much of an appetite, but mostly she's on track against her own averages. Aspen's regressed to two naps a day, but again I'm pretty sure that's related to illness. She's a little more flexible in the timing of both naps, at least.
Aspen still doesn't say much besides "mama" and "dada" but she has a large signing vocabulary. She occasionally says "uh oh!" when something falls, and we are starting to hear more consonants in her babble. She's very attached to both her goat love-y, and her pacifier, again, I think related to being under the weather. She still prefers meat and carbs for food, I think her favorite dinner right now is lasagna. She also often eats blueberries or strawberries with breakfast, and loves to share my smoothie.
Aspen loves helping sweep, write, and likes to sit at the little table and color with crayons. (Also, she enjoys taking the crayons out of the box and putting them back in the box.) She still loves books. She always loves to have someone read to her, and she will still sit and look through books by herself all the time. She is moving into 12 month-sized clothes and is getting better at climbing and walking fast. She is determined to go up and down the stairs like a big girl, but we don't feel she's quite big enough to do that safely yet, so the stairs have turned into a bit of a battle these days.
She is a lot more helpful these days, she likes to push the dishwasher closed for me, unload cat food, and help daddy and Sabine floss their teeth.

In case anyone forgot, Sabine was much the same way at the same age.

Aspen and Sabine are still as close as ever, through sickness and health. Those are most of the pictures I have these days, we have been hibernating in the house a lot.

We did manage to go out for breakfast, once, in between illnesses, and that was a fun, mid-week treat.

And if the rain would just let up, we would happily transition into summer ware!
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