Mommy's cousin and his family came out for a ski trip this year. Sabine adores her second cousins, H and C
and, it turns out, so does Aspen.

The girls all did well together, Sabine and C spent lots of time giggling and playing with dolls and games, and H dedicated a LOT of time to helping Aspen with her walking, she came home much more steady and quicker on her feet than she had been five days prior. There is a well-worn track in the hallway outside of our condo, I think, from where H walked Aspen up and down and up and down.
We got some good skiing in! Sabine, H, and C all went to ski school, along with their mom, and mommy got to ski with their dad, while Dustin sweetly hung out with Aspen, who is not quite ready for ski school...this year.

(That's mommy.)
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