A little behind, but I thought I better post the month 13 update before we hit the 14-month mark! Aspen is nearly running these days, walking is easy-peasey. She's able to rock on her rocking turtle by herself, and loves to dance.
She requests music all the time by going to either the CD player or iPod and dancing.
More and more of Aspen's personality is coming out, too. She loves animals, and can sign a dozen or so animal names. (And/or make sounds.) She has a high-pitched squeal that she uses for an excited greeting, for animals, people, and her very favorite stuffed goat. She loves to help cook in the kitchen, I often give her a big spoon and bowl (none of this toy stuff, mom, she wants the fresh stuff out of the dishwasher) and she stirs along next to me.

She also loves her books and reading. She's always had one or two favorites, there is a baby book that names various body parts that was her first favorite (it was one of Sabine's early favorites, too) and there are about three animal books that came out regularly. But now she is interested in every book on the shelf, and while pulling them out is often a good pastime,

she will now bring one over and demand to sit on your lap and have you read it to her. (She has a very emphatic "EH EH EH!" when she wants something.) She also still loves pictures, so photo albums are always a hit, and we have a few kid-friendly ones that she pulls out again and again.

Often on play dates, Sabine and her friends will disappear into her room for privacy, but occasionally they grace us with their presence on the main floor. And Sabine is actually quite adept at integrating little sister into her play, occasionally. Sabine recently had a play date where the girls played dress-up.

Guess who wasn't about to be left out!

She kind of had a Tinkerbell-meets-Cinderella-meets-Bo Peep-thing going on.

She's had several days now where she has only taken one nap, it's a little rough, but we are definitely starting the transition from two to one nap a day. And one more picture, just because it's cute, and the tongue is very Aspen-esque! It's a look she's sported for several months now.

Oh! And one other big milestone (for perhaps no one other than mommy) Aspen weaned herself the day she turned 13 months old. From what I've read, it was probably a "nursing strike," but given that she's year old, we're not going to fight it. We just have to convince her to drink cow's milk, now! She is eating much better, she still likes meat and carbs, and a good variety of fruits and veggies, but still isn't very interested in milk or many dairy products.