And continued in the morning with a new purse from Sabine. The purse has gotten a lot of use over the past couple of days, Aspen loves her phone! (That's another sign she knows--one she actually made up by curling her hand under her ear anytime she sees something that looks like a phone.)

(And here's just a random picture of them being cute together.)

We had a couple friends over for our annual Mardi Gras King Cake tradition, and to help celebrate Aspen's first birthday.

Which she happens to share with Nana Lin, who was able to join us as well, so we had to sing for her, too!

Aspen's first official sugar-y treat:

It went over well!
Our friend M found the baby in her slice of cake, so she then got to wear the crown and be queen for the evening.

There was a fun smattering of friends, and a good collection of little ones!

The birthday girls!

After our friends left, we exchanged a couple more gifts.

All in all, it was a wonderful celebration.

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