Sabine logged a lot of Lego hours with various adults, Daddy, Mommy, Nana, Grandpa, and Lindsay all helped at various points, and she completed her stable that she got for Christmas. It took hours to build, and she has since spent many happy hours playing with it.

We have made it ice skating a couple more times,

...and it suddenly "clicked" for Sabine. She went from having to hang on to me to suddenly "Don't stand so close" and then "Let's race! ... I'm faster than you, right?" Scary thing is, she just about is!
(She is at the very back and slowly comes forward in this video:)
But the finale to the whole season was a trip up to Grandmom and Grandpa's house to celebrate Christmas one last time, as well as Grandpa's birthday.
We got there fairly early in the morning, and had a lovely breakfast

Then got right down to gifts. Among other things, Sabine got a beautiful new clothes rack for Blueberry Girl, made by Grandpa and Grandmom.

Aspen got some neat presents, too

Although she seemed to be the most excited by Grandmom's trivet.

Sabine also got some new clothes for Blueberry Girl, the biggest hit being the ice skates! (Notice a theme in her world, these days?)

And a hand-knit sweater from Grandmom.

Aspen also got a kick out of some new bath toys that had little air holes.
There was a relaxing afternoon, complete with football

And a very nice steak dinner (both girls LOVED it, Aspen is proving to be quite the carnivore), which I failed to get a picture of because I was too busy eating.
Then we headed home, and both girls crashed on the drive back.

We got there fairly early in the morning, and had a lovely breakfast

Then got right down to gifts. Among other things, Sabine got a beautiful new clothes rack for Blueberry Girl, made by Grandpa and Grandmom.

Aspen got some neat presents, too

Although she seemed to be the most excited by Grandmom's trivet.

Sabine also got some new clothes for Blueberry Girl, the biggest hit being the ice skates! (Notice a theme in her world, these days?)

And a hand-knit sweater from Grandmom.

Aspen also got a kick out of some new bath toys that had little air holes.
There was a relaxing afternoon, complete with football

And a very nice steak dinner (both girls LOVED it, Aspen is proving to be quite the carnivore), which I failed to get a picture of because I was too busy eating.
Then we headed home, and both girls crashed on the drive back.

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