Aspen is officially ten months old. She pulls up to stand easily, and can walk with barely any support, often only with one hand hanging on to something(preferably someone) but doesn't quite have the confidence to let go. As soon as she realizes she's unsupported, she sits down. She seems to be teething, but we haven't seen any evidence of a third tooth poking through, yet. Nights have been a bit rough, something seems to wake her up more nights than not, but she's still on a pretty predictable schedule during the day, taking an hour and a half nap at 9:00 AM, and a second nap around 3:00, give or take, which is usually about half an hour.

Sabine is still Aspen's favorite person to interact with, although she has gotten a little more clingy to mom and dad when she's in an unfamiliar situation. Sabine can get her to laugh like no one else can, and they still love to make "stink face" at each other and then crack up.

And any toy that Sabine shows an interest in is gold. Aspen doesn't have much use for baby toys, but don't get between her and one of Sabine's stickers or Barbies, she will tell you in no uncertain terms how much she cares about it.
Aspen is still very sweet, and overall easy-going, although she is still not a fan of her car seat, or even her high chair these days. She prefers to feed herself finger food, lots of puffs (or any bread product) and likes to share mommy's smoothie for breakfast. She also tried spanikopita for the first--but clearly not the last--time: she LOVED it. (Mommy's girl!)
Aspen's main word/sound is still "ada," although it's more nuanced now, and there is a slight distinction for "water," "outside," "all done," "cat," "Hunter" (which is any baby, including the graphic on daddy's Lee t-shirt), and "Sabine."

Aspen is also getting into more mischief as she gets more mobile, and fortunately there is a big sister there to catch her getting into things she shouldn't (mommy's purse, the stairs, Christmas cards, and Sabine's Legos, are a few favorites) when the parents are slacking.
Sabine is now off from school for a winter vacation, so we'll see how this goes, all being home together all day long!
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