(We wanted to get some pictures with the blanket our friend Leila made for Aspen.)

Sabine continues to be a doting big sister, and a huge help to mommy!

Sabine is still able to get the best laughs from Aspen, and they "talk" to each other in the car now. Often in squeals.
Aspen has become proficient in rolling over, both from front to back and back to front. She's also able to sit unassisted now.

We still try to be nearby because she does sometimes still tip over, but she's getting more stable daily. She also sleeps through the night regularly; her last feeding is around 8:00 or 8:30, then she's off to bed and sleeps until around 6:00 AM. Usually she wakes up with gas in the early morning, but we can often massage her tummy and she'll go back to sleep, or, worst come to worst, I can still carry her down to the swing and she'll sleep there for the last hour or two. She's got a little more hair coming in, and she takes about four naps a day. Three of the naps are usually pretty short, but at least one is often an hour and a half to two hours long.
Aspen still has an incredibly sweet and calm disposition, and loves being around people. (And cats!)
In Sabine news, I got to take her paddle boating on a nearby lake yesterday with some of our friends, and we had a great time!

It was sunny and hot, but we decided it was good practice for our upcoming beach trip. Sabine is currently going to preschool "camp" on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and has swim class on Mondays and Fridays. When we get back from our trip, the regular school year will have started, and we will be on a whole new schedule. She'll be going to preschool on Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays this year, and she's also headed back to farm on Thursdays. We're hoping to keep our Friday swim class, but dropping Monday for now, and probably adding kid yoga on Tuesday nights. Whew!
No rest for the weary. Next up, we're trying to get Aspen out into the world a little more before our trip. We've kept her pretty sheltered at home, but at some point, you have to start exploring the bigger world out there!

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