It went well, she's on track, according to the pediatrician. Here are the official stats:
Heigh: 25/8" (43 percentile)
Weight 14 lbs 8.5 oz (16 percentile)
Head circumference: 43.25 cm (77 percentile)
And for anyone who's interested, HERE is the post with Sabine's stats from HER 6 month appointment. (The girls are quite similarly proportioned!)
Aspen doesn't seem to get a fever with vaccines, thank goodness, but they do seem to give her terrible gas. So we went ahead and had her tested for various food allergies. I am a little suspicious she might at least be sensitive to eggs. (As well as dairy and soy, which we already know.) The blood draw for that was not fun, but hopefully it will give us some good information.
We also celebrated Grandmom's birthday together that day. Sabine helped make the frosting again this year, it was pink!

Then, last week, daddy was away on business and preschool was closed for a break before the regular year begins again, so Grandmom and Grandpa invited Sabine up for two nights for a change of scenery. Thank you, Grandmom and Grandpa! Sabine had a blast, while Aspen and I stayed home and kept her on a nice nap and eating routine. The prevacid is really kicking in, Aspen seems a lot more comfortable these days.
Here are a few pictures Grandpa sent me.
Sabine, helping squeeze orange juice:

Riding the zip line all by herself at the playground:

And most excitingly, for her, the introduction to my old American Girl doll. Sabine has recently discovered the American Girl Doll catalogs that come in the mail, and she adores them. We have said she needs to wait until she's six, which can feel like an eternity when you are only four years old!

All in all, it was a great week for everyone. Next adventure: air travel with the whole family and a beach vacation!