Here's kind of a random collection of pictures to show what's been happening in our world:
We got a lovely care package from a dear friend in Australia. Sabine adores her new book about the Land Down Under.

Aspen's gotten some good cuddles in with the whole family.

The weather has gotten nicer, and Sabine and her friends love to play outside after preschool.

More than anything, Sabine loves to snuggle her sister. She is super gentle, and continues to be a good help to us.

Nana Lin and Aunt Dani took us out to a special restaurant for brunch to celebrate mommy's birthday today. Sabine and Ethan got to stay home and play outside (in the snow!) with a babysitter, while Aspen joined us downtown. She was a model baby, sleeping through most of it, and making eyes at the tables around us when we picked her up so that we got lots of ooohs and ahhhhs.

And here's a video from a couple weeks ago, closer to week five, but I just had to document her little coos and grunts. I know I will miss those tiny sounds soon enough.
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