We met our old Colorado buddy, G, at the beach again.
And Sabine and I stopped off for a mommy/daughter dinner date at Grotto's pizza on our way home.
We also saw Great-Grandmom several times, and I am just kicking myself that I didn't get more pictures. Sabine was very impressed with some of the artwork on her walls, she didn't realize that Great-Grandmom was also (once) an avid painter. We also poured over photo albums together.
The next leg of our trip was in Virginia. It was a short but sweet visit. Aunt Judy had a broken arm, but still managed to keep Sabine quite entertained.
Aunt Judy and Uncle Fred have a wonderful swing in their yard, and I think Sabine and her second- cousin would have stayed for hours if Aunt Judy hadn't suggested hunting for toadstools.
The east coast has gotten an incredible amount of rain recently, and Aunt Judy and Uncle Fred have some wonderful oak trees (the mushrooms like to grow over their roots) so we found many different specimens. Along with an equal amount of mosquitos! We will remember bug spray next time.
Gratuitous ice cream shot.
I wish there were more pictures, but mommy wore out by the end of the trip! We had a wonderful time, and are looking forward to at least seeing the second cousins out here in Colorado later this summer. Thank you all for making it such a special trip. (Extra special thanks to Aunt Betsy and Uncle Butch, somehow we didn't get a picture with them, but they took good care of us in Delaware, and read lots and lots of good stories to Sabine.)
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