We've been spending a lot more time outside.
With friends. And Sabine found the first ladybug of the season! This year, she doesn't seem to be as scared of animals and bugs.
We've been practicing bike riding. Sabine's not close to balancing or anything yet, but she still enjoys practicing, especially with the Big Girl neighbor trying hers out regularly, too.
And just strutting around in the gear.
We also had our first trip of the season to the ice cream shop!
Sabine's still very into dress-up.
And dolls. (She's holding a new one from New Mexico, in this picture. Sabine spent her first weekend up at Grandmom and Grandpa's house while we went to Santa Fe for Dustin's work conference. She had a great time, and sufficiently wore them out.)
Then Uncle Eric came through town for about 24 hours, so we met him at the Museum of Nature & Science to see the dinosaurs,
and explore the space exhibit. Sabine particularly loved the mars mud. (Red sand with water running through it.)
Then we brought the family over for dinner and a roaring game of Hungry, Hungry, Hippos.
We've been going to birthday parties, and at the most recent one, Sabine got a ride in a car with her friend who is a boy. If, someday, it turns into boyfriend, there will be no more rides.
But for now it is good fun.
We've been just hanging out
and had some popsicles for Mother's Day.
All in all, we are very happy to see the warmer weather!
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